"It's clear from their policies and what they say, and what they do that UKIP is bad for women. It's not just the Neanderthal sexist comments, and their overwhelmingly male team of candidates. Their policies show no recognition that half the people in this country are women and that women expect, and are entitled, to be treated on equal terms to men."
1. UKIP representation - A Party of and for men
. 100 per cent of UKIP MPs are men
. 90 per cent of candidates selected so far for the General Election are men
. 81.1 per cent of UKIP's 360 Councillors are men
. 71 per cent of UKIP's MEPs are men
2. UKIP and women at work and in business
"They [women] don't have the ambition to go right to the top because something gets in the way. It's called a baby. Stuart Agnew MEP
"I'd just like to challenge the idea that it is necessary to have a lot of women or a particular number on a board... Business is very, very competitive and you should take the performance of women in another competitive area, which is sport where men have no strength advantage.. Chess, bridge, poker - women come absolutely nowhere. I think that has to be borne in mind." Stuart Wheeler, UKIP donor, who has given the party £566,257.25 since 2009.
He later said: "I don't accept it is sexist, it simply rings true. It may be that women are not as competitive."
"If a women has a client base and has a child and takes two or three years off work, she is worth far less to the employer when she comes back than when she goes away because her client base cannot be stuck rigidly to her" Nigel Farage
UKIP proposed abolishing the right to parental leave and maternity pay
3. Cutting public services
"I just don't think he's being radical enough at all" Nigel Farage said of public sector cuts. Women rely more on public services such as child and social care, and UKIP want to cut further than the Tories have done.
4. UKIP failing to support women's health
Nigel Farage has repeatedly stated his support for increased privatisation for the NHS - the NHS is a key employer for women and for some key services, such as GP appointments, they are used more by women than men
UKIP does not back up mothers Farage on breastfeeding "Well, I think that given that some people feel very embarrassed by it, it isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that isn't openly ostentatious"
5. UKIP in partnership with anti-women parties in Europe
Nigel Farage has aligned himself with the EFDD in Europe. Members include Robert Ivashkievich, from the Polish New Right Party, whose leader until a couple of weeks ago was Janusz Korwin-Mikke who believes "women should not have the right to vote. Just choose any political meeting at random and see how many women are present" and that "when women say no, they don't always mean it".
6. UKIP and their policies
Between them both the UKIP 2014 Euro manifesto and the UKIP 2014 Local election manifesto do not contain any mention of childcare, equal rights or maternity leave
7. Women in UKIP
Former UKIP MEP Nikki Sinclaire won an employment tribunal claim for sex discrimination against UKIP
"[Farage] doesn't try to involve intelligent professional women in positions of responsibility in the party. He thinks women should be in the kitchen or in the bedroom" former UKIP MEP Marta Andreasen. She also labelled him as an "anti-women Stalinist dictator"
8. UKIP and women in the Armed Forces
UP Front: So, should women play soccer?
Farage: Here's the bigger question. Do we think, chaps, when we're there in the front line, when the balloon goes up, with fixed bayonets, when the whistle's about to blow to go over the top, do we actually want to be there with women beside us? [Fat Boy's barman shouts out: 'Yes!' Nigel is horror-struck.] Do we? What an extraordinarily bizarre idea! I certainly don't think so. But maybe it's because I've got so many women pregnant over the years that I have a different view [there are four kids "on the official list"]. I find it very difficult to think that we could stand up and run over the top together, into the machine guns or whatever. Men and women are different - thank God!
9. UKIP attitudes to lap dancing
Farage on lap dancing "lap dancing? Don't have the time these days, but I used to go to them. Like it or not they are a fact of life. You are talking about normal behaviour there. Everyone does it."
10. UKIP patronising women
Farage when challenged about the male dominance of his supporters said "I am not sure what you want me to do, I might go and sell flowers"
Nigel Farage defended Godfrey Bloom calling women 'sluts' as a 'joke'. The former Yorkshire and Humber UKIP MEP had the whip removed after a recording emerged of him joking that a group of UKIP women who did not clean behind their fridges were "sluts". Mr Farage told the BBC, "All the things Godfrey has said have not been meant in malice but they have all been tremendous distractions from the main messages UKIP is trying to push out," he said. "Nearly everything he has said has been meant as a joke."
Notes to editors
The Daily Mail story is online here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2920641/Ukip-party-led-Neanderthal-sexists-blasts-Harman.html