Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Meeting the Tanzanian Women's Parliamentary Group - 21/01/2014

Meeting Women MPs Tanzanian_20140121
The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association fosters the cooperation and understanding between parliaments, promoting good parliamentary practices and advancing parliamentary democracy. The Tanzanian Women’s Parliamentary Group are currently on a visit from Tanzania. We spoke about how politics in Tanzania is changing and the importance of women working together globally.

The following MPs attended the meeting:

Hon. Anna Margareth Abdallah MP Hon. Angellah Jasmine Kairuki MP Hon. Dr. Mary Machuche Mwanjelwa MP Hon. Ummy Mwalimu MP Hon. Anne Kilango Malecela MP Hon. Ritta E. Kabati MP Hon. Faida M. Bakar MP Hon. Zarina Shamte Madabida MP Hon. Ester A. Bulaya MP Hon. Rose Kamili Sukum MP Hon. Amina Mwidau MP Ms Neema R. Kiula
Meeting Tanzanian Women MPs_20140121

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