The panoramic views from Nunhead Reservoir are second to none, and today I visited the site with Peckham Rye Councillor Renata Hamvas, Richard Aylard (Director of External Affairs & Sustainability) and other senior representatives from Thames Water. We discussed the history of the site and what options there are for public access. I am pleased that Thames Water have agreed to meet with the local community to discuss the possibilities of opening the site to the public.
Nunhead Reservoir is a private site owned by Thames Water. It regularly falls victim to vandalism, break-ins, graffiti and littering.
Open space is at a premium in our crowded city and would be much appreciated by local residents. Thames Water are a private company but should be a good corporate citizen in our local area while protecting public health and safety. Although having reasonable concerns, Thames Water have adopted an open-minded approach and I am hopefully that local people will be able to enjoy this space in the future.