Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

School cuts protest picnic in Peckham Rye


Thanks to Cllrs Vicky Mills, Gavin Edwards, Jasmine Ali and all parents and children protesting Tory cuts to Southwark schools in Peckham Rye Park after school today. Children at Ivydale, Hollydale, Heber and Goodrich schools designed lovely posters about why they love their school and don't want any education cuts. 

I've signed the National Union of Teachers' pledge to show my support. It reads: 'I promise to oppose cuts to real terms per pupil funding in Camberwell and Peckham compared to 2015/16'. I will continue to work with local parents, teachers and the council to fight these Tory cuts all the way.


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