Our cross-party Early Day Motion tabled today - Government must abolish unfair tribunal time limit and end pregnancy discrimination. 54,000 pregnant women forced from work each year:
That this House notes the key findings of research funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and undertaken by the Equality and Human Rights Commission that some 54,000 women per year are forced out of work by pregnancy or maternity discrimination, and that three out of four working mothers endure negative or discriminatory treatment at work; further notes that four out of five women who responded to a recent survey by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Maternal Mental Health Alliance experienced at least one episode of a mental health problem during or after their pregnancy; is concerned that, due to a lack of free legal advice, the prohibitive cost of employment tribunal fees and a restrictive time limit of three months, fewer than one per cent of the women affected by pregnancy or maternity discrimination bring an employment tribunal claim; welcomes the clear recommendations by the Equality and Human Rights Commission and both the Justice Committee and Women and Equalities Committee that the time limit for pregnancy and maternity discrimination claims be increased to six months; and calls on the Government to demonstrate its very welcome commitment to tackling such unlawful discrimination by acting on this recommendation at the earliest possible opportunity.
Sponsors: Caroline Lucas MP, Jo Swinson MP, Harriet Harman MP, Alison Thewliss MP, Jess Phillips MP, Liz Saville Roberts MP
You can view an up to date list of all the MPs who have signed to support our EDM here: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2017-19/15