Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Young People and the Arts launch - 09/06/2014


The Arts must be for everyone, not just for some. That was the theme of my keynote speech to the Roundhouse today, where I launched a Labour Party consultation document on Young People and the Arts.

At the Paul Hamlyn Roundhouse studios I learned about their outreach with young people and was interviewed on Roundhouse radio. 


Later, a packed audience of those working in the arts, in schools and young people heard moving speeches from two young people – Adem told us how the arts had helped him become a person, and Dana spoke about her introduction to Faust by her teacher and that creativity had saved her life.

I spoke about the arts in education and our approach to arts subsidy.  A lively discussion ensued, chaired by Marcus Davey, Chief Executive of the Roundhouse and alongside Kevin Brennan MP, Shadow Minister for Schools.

You can read a full copy of the speech here. You can read and respond to the consultation document here.

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