Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

26th March 2011 - Women Joining The TUC March for the Alternativ

I and other Labour women MPs will be joining with women and marching together as we make our  voices heard, as women, against the government's unfair actions which are hitting women hardest.
Women are harder hit by the cuts in pension credit, working tax credit, child care support and the cuts in public sector jobs that this Government is inflicting.  In total the government is cutting over £6 billion a year from direct support for children - including reductions in child tax credit, child benefit and the child trust fund.

Cutting jobs for women and support for families is bad for the economy, increases child poverty and will end up costing the UK more.  It also makes it much harder for parents to balance work and family life and shows the government really doesn't understand the pressures working families face
Because of the global financial crisis, 19 million women around the world have already lost their jobs. Women must not be made the victim of deficit reduction programmes either here or in the developing world.
Date: 26 March 2011
Meeting point: Meet at 10.15am outside the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, WC2A 2LL
Nearest tube: Temple  or Holborn

Please come wearing green and purple, the colours of the Suffragettes campaign

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