Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Arts and Culture in Carlisle – 03/04/2014

Creative Writing_04042014In Carlisle, in the run up to the Council elections in 2012, one of the Labour group’s central pledges was to create a vibrant arts and culture hub to help the economic recovery of the city. I joined Lee Sherriff, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Carlisle and Colin Glover, Leader of the Council to see the Old Fire Station as work gets underway to create a new £1million art venue for the city. Whilst I was there I met with some of the creative groups who are already using the venue.

Skating Carlisle_04042014

I also joined St Margaret Mary’s RC Primary School for a skate on the new Ice Skating Rink at Bitts Park – a venture that the Labour Council has worked with the private sector to develop.

Lee and Colin_04042014

Creative Writing Group_04042014

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