Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Calculating the cost of the August riots to businesses in Southw

This morning I visited businesses on Walworth Road affected by the terrible riots in August.  I was joined by Cllr Lorraine Lauder and Stuart Woods, Centre Director, InSpire.  The looting and criminal damage which took place was inexcusable and created untold fear.  

I know that local businesses, particularly, the shops suffered in the riots.  Since August I have been speaking to business owners about how the riots affected them.  I'm calculating the cost to local businesses to ensure they get the help they need to get back on their feet.   



Since the riots, I have been taking forward work on six other key areas:

  • Listening to what local people say about why the riots happened. In particular I'm consulting young people. We need to make sure their voice is heard to answer the questions about why so many people got swept up in criminality which terrorised local people.
  • Campaigning hard against the closure of Camberwell Jobcentre
  • Estimating the cost of the riots to Southwark Council
  • Tracking those going through the criminal justice system
  • Stepping up my campaign to protect police numbers in Southwark
  • Recognising the hundreds of good deeds on a night of crime and destruction. I want to ensure the acts of community-mindedness are properly recognised - please let me know the ‘good Samaritans' you saw.

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