Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Fire Station closures in Southwark - 14/1/13

I’m very worried indeed about the news that Southwark Fire Station is going to close and Peckham Fire Station will lose a fire engine.  Last year I called on Boris Johnson to think again about closing Peckham Fire Station. I am relieved the station will remain open but Boris Johnson cuts of £64million from London Fire Brigade's budget will still force crews to travel further to fight fires and could also mean fewer firefighters in London.

I know the Fire Service will do their best to manage with whatever money they’re given but I’m sure they’re very worried about it. It’s not just response times; it’s also very important fire protection work. The bottom line is that in the past three years we’ve had three enormous fires in Camberwell and Peckham including the terrible fire at Lakanal House where six people died, three of them children. Not only did we need Peckham Fire Station but we were also helped by firefighters in neighbouring New Cross and across London.  


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