Harriet Harman, Cabinet Minister for Women and Equality, today visits Scotland for a major programme of meetings with Scotland’s leading equality campaigners.
The Minister’s visit aims to strengthen the longstanding links between those (both north and south of the border) who campaign for equality, and against unfairness and discrimination.
Ms Harman will meet Alex Fergusson MSP, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament; members of the Equal Opportunities Committee; Morag Alexander, Scotland Commissioner for the Equality and Human Rights Commision; and Scottish Women TUC.
Ms Harman will also visit One Scotland, the Scottish Government's anti-racism campaign, and violence against women charity Zero Tolerance, where she will hear about its successful ‘Respect’ programme, which teaches school children in Scotland about issues such as power, violence and control, and helps them understand discrimination.
Ms Harman set out the Ministers for Women’s priorities in July last year. These are: Supporting families, particularly as they bring up children and care for older and disabled relatives; tackling violence against women and improving the way we deal with women who commit crimes; and empowering black and minority ethnic women to build cohesion within their communities and as a bridge between communities.
The Minister’s visit aims to build UK wide work to make progress on these key aims. She will also talk and listen to shoppers in Princes Street in Edinburgh. She will be guest of Nigel Griffith MP at a Burns Night supper in Edinburgh on Friday evening.
Harriet Harman said:
"We've made much progress, but too many women still live in fear of domestic violence and we must step up our fight against discrimination and unfairness. Campaigners North and South of the border have always worked together, gained strength from each other shared experience and learned lessons of how to go forward."