Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

More Sport for All launch – 24/07/2014

Olympics 1

Supporting more people of all ages and all backgrounds was the theme of my keynote speech at the Aquatics Centre, Queen Elizabeth Park today, where I launched a Labour Party consultation document More Sport for All.

Olympics 3

Along with Dennis Hone and colleagues from the London Legacy Development Corporation and Clive Efford MP, Shadow Minister for Sport and Kevin Brennan MP, Shadow Minister for Schools I visited the Park.  We toured the Aquatic Centre and Peter Bundy of GLL showed us how school, community and elite swim side by side.


After my speech, an audience of those working in sport at all levels discussed the need for more support for sport in schools and the community in a lively Q&A was chaired by Clive Efford MP, with Kevin Brennan and local MP Lyn Brown.

You can read a full copy of the speech here.
You can read and respond to the consultation document here.

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