Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Preparing for an Aging Society - Discussion with Rosie Winterton

The Department for Work and Pensions published “Preparing for our Ageing Society: A Discussion Paper” in November 2008. I want my constituents to have their say.

I have invited Rosie Winterton MP who is the Minister responsible for Pensions Reform to come to Camberwell so you local people can tell the Government what they think of the plans.

The meeting will be on Wednesday 18th March between 9.30am-12.30pm. Coffee and lunch will be provided.

Places are strictly limited. If you would like to come or to request a copy of the discussion paper, then please contact Tom Horner at [email protected] or on 0207 712 2334 to reserve a place and for further details including the venue. You will be sent more information about the topics we’d like to discuss in advance.

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