Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

"Put Down Your Knives" Campaign

Everyone in Camberwell and Peckham has been dismayed by the recent killings. I have expressed my condolences to the family of Ryan Bravo and am gravely concerned about the shootings in Denmark Road and Penrose Street.

I am campaigning with local councillors and organisations asking people to “Put Down your Knives”. 

put down your knives campaign

If you have a teenage son or daughter we are asking you to talk to them about the dangers of carrying knives. If you need advice on how to raise this issue you can contact GATES confidentially. Their Advice line Phone Number is 0800 458 9109 or you can text GATES to 82055 to receive or send text messages.

If you know anything about any of the recent killings, or suspect anyone of carrying a knife then call the police on 020 7230 1212 or Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

We can achieve the most when we speak with one voice. Please join our campaign and put this message in your window.

If you have any suggestions on what more we can do locally please contact your Local Councillors or Harriet Harman MP at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA, or email [email protected]


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