On Friday 23rd July 2010 I was pleased to host the second Southwark Pensioners Parliament along with the Southwark Pensioners Action Group and the Southwark Pensioners Centre. We were joined by Simon Hughes MP and Greater London Assembly Member Val Shawcross.
I spoke about the Labour Government's investment in public services like the NHS and the risk posed to this investment by the Tory / Lib Dem plans announced in their Health White Paper.
The event at the Houses of Parliament was attended by pensioners from across Southwark who asked questions about transport, health, crime, pensioner poverty and the Government's VAT increase. I am looking forward to the next Pensioners Parliament which will be held later this year.
If you would like to take part in the next Southwark Pensioners Parliament please contact the Southwark Pensioners Centre on 020 7708 4556.