Today I have written to Alan Davey, chief executive of Arts Council England, to express my concern at the Arts Council’s restructuring, forced by government cuts. You can read my letter below.
Alan Davey
Chief Executive
Arts Council England
14 Great Peter Street
5 November 2012
Dear Alan,
I look forward to meeting you later this month, but ahead of our meeting, I wanted to express my concern at the details of Arts Council England’s restructuring forced by Government cuts.
The arts are central to our lives, and to the human spirit. We cannot imagine our lives without film, without theatre, without music, or without art. But the arts are not only key to our lives as individuals – they are key to the lives of our communities across the country. And they are central to our economy, national and regional.
Arts and the creative industries in the regions have already been hit by a triple-whammy, with:
Cuts to the Arts Council of 30%
The abolition of the Regional Development Agencies
The cuts to local government budgets.
But in addition to this, we now have the Arts Council reducing the number of regions from nine to five and operating smaller offices in the regions.
I would be grateful if you could let me know of any impact assessment you have done on these changes generally, and in particular, in relation to the regions.
I look forward to receiving your reply, and to seeing you later this month.
Yours sincerely,
Harriet Harman