Harriet Harman

Former MP for Camberwell and Peckham

Yorkshire and Humber regional Conference


Harriet Harman, Labour's Deputy Leader told the Yorkshire and the Humber regional Conference in Leeds:

This region has a proud place in Labour's history. It now has a crucial place in this country's future. This is a "battleground" region.

We have an election to fight, and we have an election to win.

People face a big choice as we come to the next election.

People want to be confident about the future for themselves and for their family.

With the support and action of the Labour Government the economy is recovering. We had to save the banks, we had to protect businesses, we had to stop homes being repossessed and we had to help people who lose their jobs get back into work; all actions which the Tories opposed.

The economy is still fragile and we can't let the Tories wreck it.

The Tories cut in public investment would pull the rug out from under the economy.

We will pay down the deficit. We will do that by;

Helping the economy to continue to grow - because the best antidote to debt is growth.

By taxes - particularly on those who can afford it, like 50% on income over £150,000.

By making public spending even more efficient while protecting front-line services.

We've set out how we will cut the deficit but the Tories would increase it by:

Undermining economic growth.

Tax cuts for the richest through inheritance tax.

The Married man's tax allowance - which will not go to those who most need it and would stigmatise lone parents, widows and divorcees.

This will be a foot soldiers election. It will be won by Labour meeting people on their doorstep not by Tory airbrushed billboards.

This is a task for Labour's team, MPs and candidates, Councillors and candidates, party members and trade unionists and our hardworking party staff.

We are fighting back and we are fighting to win.

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